Kilkenny County Council recently launched a new lifestyle and employment website – – as a tool for both employers and employees looking for information on working and living in Kilkenny.
A recent breakfast briefing and networking event hosted by Kilkenny County Council was the setting for the launch of the new brand and website providing a source of information on Living, Working and Enjoying life in Kilkenny. This website was created with the intention of offering a resource to employers, employees and prospective re-locaters looking for information on living and working in Kilkenny.
Newly appointed Chief Executive of Kilkenny County Council Lar Power welcomed the resource advising “placemaking is what we do – as a Local Authority we look to promote Kilkenny as a destination to live, work and invest in each and every day”.
Director of Services Sean McKeown outlined the value of the resource to demonstrate statistics on Kilkenny’s accessibility, attractiveness and liveability noting that “Kilkenny offers an accessible location just 90 minutes from Dublin, and is bucking the national trend in terms of our housing pipeline. The website offers a valuable resource with information on housing, education, healthcare and many other topics consolidated in one location”.
At the same event – which took place on September 19th and had attendance from prominent members of Kilkenny’s business community and construction industry, the revamped website was re-launched. This website is aimed at promoting investment in the City and County and demonstrates the credentials of the global and indigenous companies in Kilkenny, and how the quality of life and infrastructure in Kilkenny assist with the attraction and retention of staff.
New Abbey Quarter Development Director, Tony Lauhoff, also noted the quality of business tenants the Abbey Quarter has already attracted and should continue to attract with the planned development of office, residential and retail space throughout the life of the Masterplan for the site. He highlighted the plans to bring the Abbey Quarter site into the heart of the City of Kilkenny, noting that “The Abbey Quarter regeneration project doesn’t aim to compete with the existing core of the City, it aims to enhance and extend it down High Street and into Irishtown, offering a vibrant space to live and work in”.
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