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By JOHN ELLIS, Financial Advisor Last week this paper had a special supplement, ‘Home For Summer’, giving ideas on how to improve your home inside and out. Home improvement projects are so rewarding but, that being said, it can be a time-consuming and capital-intensive project, so you’ll want to get it right first time. Much …


Do you suffer from excess ear wax, ear pressure problems, buzzing, or whistling sounds in your ears? Then you might be interested to hear about ear candling. This technique has been around for thousands of years and used by many different cultures. Modern ear candles like Otosan Ear Cones are based on these historic candles. …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS I feel like I am in a sci-fi movie, that one from the 1980s, Cocoon, about what happens when the senior citizens of a retirement community discover the ‘fountain of youth’. Having parked our cars in the designated area, we are all heading towards… towards our fountain that …


KATHLEEN FUNCHION Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow Sinn Féin TD for Carlow Kilkenny Kathleen Funchion has criticised the lack of action from Minister Eamon Ryan on vital supports for taxi drivers. Teachta Funchion’s comments come as taxi representatives met with TDs from across the political spectrum to highlight the huge challenge they are facing …


Sometimes the only way to move forward is by stepping back. Anxiety and depression are, as we have already discussed, very frequently linked to the flight-fight-freeze response. Often they are the subconscious way of dealing with perceived danger. We’ve all done it. Altered a walking or jogging route because we were confronted by an angry …


By JOHN ELLIS Financial Advisor   THE money you earn pays for almost everything you have, mortgage, gas, electric, phone, food, children’s education, car, holidays, insurance, pension, home repairs, the list goes on. You probably don’t think twice about insuring your home, car or healthcare but what about your income? Thirty-six percent of those recently …


If you’re experiencing arthritic pain, frozen shoulder, or stiff knees you might be interested to hear about some success stories from our customers. Turmeric is the most sought-after supplement to help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, sports injury, or from over-stretched muscles. There lots of supplements to choose from. Some have black pepper/piperine to aid …


The Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS Our seasons are a vagary onto themselves, our reaction to their sudden, often unannounced change even more vagarious: when it’s hot, it’s “too hot”, and when it rains and the winds come, our reaction is: “Sure it’s a grand country altogether, if only we had a roof over …


Kathleen Funchion Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow Sinn Féin TD for Carlow Kilkenny, Kathleen Funchion, has urged cross-party support for Sinn Fein’s emergency response plan to accelerate mental health services. Pre-pandemic mental health waiting lists were already at crisis point, but the avalanche of depression, isolation, loneliness and anxiety since the onset of Covid-19 …


Andrew McDonald Hypnotherapist Did you know one of the most powerful things you possess is your breath? No, I’m not telling you to stop eating garlic or onions! I’m talking about the fact your breath is quite literally one of the best tools you have for easing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is also …