“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
These words are from the pen of poet Robert Laurence Binyon, written 1914, dealing with Patriotism and Sacrifice.
The poem titled, “For the Fallen” memorializes soldiers who died in battle during World War I. The poem acknowledges the profound loss of the soldiers’ lives while also emphasizing the nobility of their sacrifice.
These words will have a special meaning on April 23rd when a group from ‘The Kilkenny Great War Memorial Committee’ meet to remember Anzac day.
Each year, In April . Australians and New Zealanders come together to honour their people who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.
ANZAC stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps” and is one of the most important national celebrations across Australia and New Zealand.
Chair of the ‘Kilkenny Great War Memorial Committee’, Donal Croghan explained to The Kilkenny Observer that 123 people from Kilkenny served in the Anzac forces. Twenty-two soldiers and one nurse died.
And so, at 16.30 on Sunday, April 23rd people are invited to gather at the World War I monument at The Peace Park in Kilkenny to remember those that had taken part in The Anzac forces.
The event is being held to remember those from the South East of Ireland who served in the ANZAC Forces .
The Ambassadors from Australia and New Zealand will be in attendance for the ceremony.
The day will consist of prayer, poetry, music, wreath laying, playing of the last Post and Reveille.
There will also be a flag raising ceremony and the event will conclude with the Australian, New Zealand and Irish national anthems.
Irish soldiers, Clergy and nurses were all volunteers who signed up with the new country where they had emigrated to.
Both Australia and New Zealand identities were forged by the sacrifice made by their forces in the Allied armies of World War One.
All are welcome to attend the event. This is an outdoor event so please dress appropriately for the weather.