Women’s Health and Wellbeing via Zoom

MEET THE Expert Panel that will present on Women’s Health and Wellbeing via Zoom, with MC Dominika Stoppa.

Linda Murray, Nutritional Therapist
Yvonne Brady, CEO and Founder of EVB Sport
Catherine O’Keeffe, Wellness Warrior
MC is Coach, Educator and Artist, Dominika Stoppa.

This event is free to all Network Ireland members. Booking is required. Please use the code received via e-mail or contact Kilkenny branch via Facebook messages.

About The Panel:

Linda Murray – Beoga Nutrition

Linda is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and a member of the Nutritional Therapists of Ireland.

She works with clients to alleviate their symptoms while also aiming to identify the root cause of their health concerns. She believes that as we are individuals, ‘one size fits all’ simply doesn’t work for most people.
She promotes the benefits of wholesome, unprocessed foods but also considers a balance with other lifestyle factors such as stress, movement and relaxation to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Linda believes that nutrition and lifestyle habits are the key to long-term health and wellness and has previously worked in the food and medical device industries, which has provided a great insight to people trying to attain a work life balance while also looking after their own health.

Linda’s specialist areas of interest are digestion including IBS, thyroid, fertility and female health.

Yvonne Brady – EVB Sport Limited

Yvonne is an Engineering Graduate from Trinity College Dublin and Vice Chairperson for Engineers Ireland Biomedical division, with post graduate diplomas in Design and International Selling.
Having worked on some of Irelands largest Structural and Environmental public engineering projects, Yvonne launched her support garment company on the Late Late Show in 2013.

Since then, Yvonne has been successful in raising public and private investment in her company and over €1 million has been invested in research and development.
Using her engineering knowhow, Yvonne developed patented technology that optimises function of deep core muscles.

EVB Sport is now a global organisation, endorsed by both the medical and sporting professional industry and distributed on three continents.
Her patent designs are the leading support garments in the world, helping women to exercise safely preventing long term damage. EVB Sport’s vision is to improve the lives of over 1 billion women by 2040.

Yvonne has been a recipient of various awards for business and entrepreneurship including Network Ireland Business Woman of the Year in 2016, was a European Finalist for the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2014, and Intertrade Ireland’s Regional Winner.
EVB Sport has also won business excellence awards from Chamber of Commerce and in 2014, Yvonne appeared on Dragon’s Den, successfully securing investment offers.

In 2019 Yvonne was a finalist in Ireland’s Prestigious Women in Technology Award.
She is also Business Coach for Cartier Women’s Initiative. Yvonne is also an advocate for Women in Engineering and helps promote engineering in schools and universities throughout Europe.

Catherine O’Keeffe – Wellness Warrior

Catherine is Ireland’s first peri-menopause coach, mother of three boys and a newly minted marathon runner.
Following a degree in management Catherine retrained in complementary medicine and is a self-confessed health geek, a regular contributor to menopause websites and a speaker at health events throughout Ireland and the UK.

A former financial services director, Catherine regularly works with corporate clients on menopause support in the workplace. Catherine’s experience of 25+ years in the corporate world places her in a great position to support women there.

She is a regular guest at events throughout Ireland and holds Perimenopause Unplugged events all over the country to discuss all things menopause.

As a menopause activist, she has participated in the Women’s Health Taskforce, launched by the Department of Health and the National Women’s Council of Ireland in 2019.

Catherine is also co-founder of the highly successful M Word event – Ireland’s first menopause summit, held in October 2019.

Catherine regularly talks about all aspects of health from women’s health, men’s health, anxiety, sleep, nutrition, movement and the importance of self-care and taking time out.

She has been featured in the Irish Examiner, Image and RTÉ Lifestyle, has appeared on Newstalk and various radio stations across Ireland, and is author of The Best Friend’s Guide to Anxiety: A Practical Toolkit for Moving Beyond Anxiety at Menopause.

Dominika Stoppa

Dominika is a professionally qualified and accredited coach, educator and artist.

She is the founder of Creative Mandala Method, author of three Self-Coaching Workbooks, bilingual podcaster and owner of Studio Eleven – Creativity and Wellbeing Centre in Castlecomer, County Kilkenny.

This event is being delivered via Zoom, free to members of Network Ireland – there is a €15 cost for non-members. Tickets from Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-health-and-well-being-tickets-

Christine Scarry, Artistic Director – Red Alchemy Theatre Company Musical Director Alchemy www.redalchemy.ie www.alchemyvox.com +353 87 2717235

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