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BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST HYPNOTHERAPY works with your sub-conscious mind! That’s precisely why it is such a powerful tool in changing your habits and lifestyle. It quite literally has the ability to alter how you live your life in an instant and make those new year resolutions truly stick. When you make a resolve to …


There is nothing like a stay in hospital to reconnect one with life and how fleeting it can be. I found myself the other week undergoing surgery on my lower spine, carried out by a man whose incalculable knowledge and sleight of hands I can only bow to. Those wonderful traits and modern science — …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR IRELAND, though a recognised global leader in tobacco control, still has an unenviably statistic that one in every two smokers will die from a tobacco-related disease, and, according to the HSE, nearly 6,000 people will die in Ireland each year from smoking-related illnesses. The Healthy Ireland Survey 2021, which represents …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON What do I wish for this new year? Well, it’s nothing tangible and it has to do with something Carl Jung said: “Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakes.” In a culture where we spend our time racing around in answer to external demands it’s a thought-provoking …


BY CLAIR WHITTY The liver is a major organ in the right side of the body. It has many functions; it removes toxic substances and waste products from the blood. It breaks down insulin and other hormones. It produces Cholesterol which we need a certain amount of to survive. Glycogen is stored in our liver …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST How is your resolution for 2022 coming along? Many of us make promises to ourselves for the New Year. Few of us keep them going for very long. Most resolutions don’t last much beyond the first two weeks of January. I’m not hazarding a guess by saying that, it’s fact. Research …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS Not many people know this… but Alfie has let auctioneers into his attic. And dining room, study and cinema. Sir Michael Caine is downsizing with a house move, meaning that a treasure trove of memorable items from a lifetime in the film world, as well as much of …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR ACCORDING to Active Retirement Ireland, the country’s largest representative body for older people, Christmas – a time of supposedly peacefulness and joy – was for many older people living on the state pension a time of difficult decisions: heating or groceries, gifts for the family or taking part in Christmas …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST EVENTS which are bigger than us, that we have no way of controlling, are responsible for a great deal of anxiety. Whether bad news stories, and there are plenty of those, things which are happening to loved ones over which we have no influence, or even details about our own lives …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Have you decided to take the 31-day challenge and go vegan for the month of the January? You might be wondering if there are any supplements you should be taking. In the short term you should be OK but if you plan to stick with it for longer then you could run …