By Gerry Moran
Right then, a wee quiz to shake up the brain cells before they, along with the hedgehogs, go into hibernation for the winter.
Fifty questions. Quiz rating: 25 – 30 Fair. 30 – 40 Good. 40 – 45 Very Good. 45 plus – Excellent. You’re definitely a bright, very bright, spark.
1. So, ‘Autumn, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.’ Who wrote it?
2.What name is given to a group of crows?
3.What age was JFK when he was assassinated?
4.Where in Kilkenny will you find the ‘Liber Primus’ meaning ‘First Book’?
5. Which racket sport made its Olympic debut in 1992?
6.Where in Dublin did the Beatles play their one and only 26 counties concert?
7.Who is the Minister for Education?
8. In which country is the wine making area of Stellenbosch?
9. With what type of animals do we associate the word Ovine?
10.Who hosts the TV quiz show The Chase?
11.Who is known as ‘The Big Yin’?
12.Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
13. Formerly Walton’s Grove it is now a renowned Kilkenny hotel?
14. What is kept in an ossuary?
15 What do Americans call a waistcoat?
16. Which fabled creature was half man and half horse?
17.The word Yahoo first appeared in what book?
18. What name is given to the box in which a ship’s compass is stored?
19. On which date does All Saints Day fall?
20. How many all Ireland Hurling titles did Kilkenny have in December 2003?
21.The only person to have won an Oscar and the Nobel Prize for Literature?
22.What is apiphobia a fear of?
23.In which decade was Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ released?
24.For what newspaper did Clark Kent (Superman) work for?
25.How many men have set foot on the moon?
26.In which sport would you perform a Fosbury Flop?
27.What are cowboys called in Argentina?
28.What is the sign language of bookies?
29.What is New Year’s Day called in Scotland?
30.What do the initials EPNS stand for on a piece of silverware?
31 Who composed the opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’?
32.What order of friars lives in Kilkenny’s ‘Friary’?
33.What is the only musical to have won 10 Oscars?
34. In what year did the Watergate Theatre open?
35.What song was a hit for Harry Belafonte & Boney M?
36.Name the island on which The Statue of Liberty is built?
37. Declan Patrick McManus is better known as?
38. What do the initials HB stand for on a pencil?
39. How many Irish writers have won the Nobel Prize for Literature?
40.What English word is derived from the Hebrew word for ‘proper’?
41.Which chicken dish is named after a U.S. state?
42.What is the capital of Australia?
43.Where in Kilkenny will you find ‘Cromwell’s Seat’?
44.What kind of sugar does milk contain?
45. What ball game occupies the largest playing area?
46. Who wrote ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’?
47. U2’s first album?
48. Famous artist born in Callan?
49. Who wrote the play ‘Dancing at Lughnasa’?
50. What is Donald Trump’s middle name?
2.A murder of crows
3. 46
4.Town Hall
6.The Adelphi
7. Norma Foley
8.South Africa
9. Sheep
10.Bradley Walsh
11. Billy Connolly
12.F. Scott Fitzgerald
13.Mount Juliet
15. Vest
16. Centaur
17.Gulliver’s Travels
19.1st November
20.Twenty Eight
21.G.B. Shaw
24.The Daily Planet
26.High Jump
29. Hogmanay
30. Electro Plated Silver Nickel
33 West Side Story
35.Mary’s Boy Child
37. Elvis Costello
38.Hard Black
39. Four 40. Kosher
41 Chicken Maryland
42 Canberra
43 St. Canice’s Cathedral
44 Lactose
45 Polo
46 John Boyne
47 Boy
48 Tony O’Malley
49 Brian Friel
50 John