“The Magic of Local Lore” exhibition recently launched at Castlecomer Library

Kilkenny County Council Library Service was delighted to host the launch of “The Magic of Local Lore” exhibition on Friday the 8th of December, at Castlecomer Library, where families and friends of the students from the 5th & 6th class students in the Presentation Convent National School in Castlecomer gathered to hear stories of local lore.

Under the guidance of our Storyteller in Residence, Helena Byrne and with the assistance of their class teacher, Louise Walshe, pupils have been working for many weeks collating stories from various sources.

These stories are an excellent record of local lore from Castlecomer and further afield, with Lithuania, India and Poland featuring, too. Accounts of hurling champions, local shops and shopping, spooky tales, wedding traditions and family memories are well documented.

At Friday’s event, each student had the opportunity to read aloud their story to an enraptured audience. Speaking at the event, Executive Librarian with Kilkenny Library Service, Aideen McDonald, said, “We would like to extend our thanks to our Storyteller in Residence Helena Byrne, who facilitated and curated the project, assisted by class teacher Louise Walsh. The stories gathered and told by the 5th and 6th class students reflect the rich cultural history within the Castlecomer community and the growing cultural diversity. The project highlights the valuable role the public library provides as a keeper and recorder of these stories.

The exhibition can be viewed in Castlecomer Library until the Christmas holidays, so there will be plenty of time to pop in and enjoy the “magic of local lore.

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