Mog O’Grady: A gent and a scholar

MASTER musician, singer, songwriter and teacher Michael ‘Mog’ O’Grady has passed away after a brave battle with illness.

Michael, fondly Mog, a pet name with obvious roots was a gentleman and a scholar, a quiet but friendly man who was to local music what DJ Carey was to hurling.

Mog had many strings to his bow. He loved drama and until he became ill was a regular at the Watergate Theatre.

He was also a devoted soccer fan and followed the fortunes of the then Kilkenny City Football Club when to a loyal supporter even the bad times were good.

Mog died at his Meadow Hill, Kilkenny home. He is survived by his wife Proinnsiasa and daughter Muireann, sisters-in-law Marian, Úna Maria, Áine, Brenda, and Fidelma; brothers-in-law Roibeárd, Seán, Micheál, Gabriel, Liam and Gearóid; cousins, other relatives and friends.

He was a kind and generous person who released CD called Seed for Every Plough, with numbers he had penned himself and all funds went to the local St Vincent de Paul.

The songs included the Christmas number Peace on Earth for The Day on which he was accompanied by another superbly talented local singer John Travers.

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