Keep Kilkenny Beautiful Annual Tidy Town Awards 2023

Winner - Best Commercial Flower Display -Hibernian Hotel


Presented by Malcolm Noonan TD

Minister of State – Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage

Keynote speaker Caitriona Corr, Kilkenny CoCo cycling officer

Councillor Maria Dollard – KKB Chairperson

Deputy Mayor of Kilkenny – Martin Brett


Hidden Gems

Tommy Larkin, 15 Reade Terrace, Roberts Hill

Lynch family, Kennyswell

Breda Hennessey, 92b Upper Patrick Street

Mary Armstrong, 94 Assumption Place

Brendan Slattery, 42 St Kieran’s Crescent

Mr & Mrs Bourke 57 Hebron Park

Martin & Breda Cleere, 2 Connolly Street

Niamh O ‘ Donoghue, 6 John’s Quay

John & Pauline Purcell, 4 The Parade


Fitzpatrick Shield for community effort

Rothe House


Private garden pollinator award

Runner up:

Donal Croghan, 56 The Fairways


Madeleine Carroll, 3 Beech Park


Community pollinator award

Glendine Estate residents association


City centre pollinator award

Butler Gallery, Johns Quay


Commercial pollinator award

Kilkenny Retail Park, Loughboy


Best Commercial Flower Display



Highly commended:

Tynan’s Bridge House


Most improved commercial premises


Bridge House, 89 John Street Lower ( Rivercourt Hotel)

Highly commended:

Club House Hotel, Patrick Street


Best Shop front


Tower & Castle, 60 John Street Upper

Highly commended:

Billy Byrnes, 39 John Street


Best signage


Siopa Cuinne Grincell, 9 Irishtown

Highly commended:

Murphy Bespoke Jewellers, 86 High Street


Best hospitality


Kyteler’s Inn, Kieran Street

Highly commended:

The Book & Coffee shop, William Street


Special Award

Market Cross shopping centre

In recognition of IBAL judges remarks 2023

“The cleanest shopping centre this surveyor has ever seen!. There wasn’t even a cigarette butt to be seen. Some of the bins provided the opportunity to separate waste into recycling………..”


Certificate Presentation for Excellence in Environmental Service

To Kilkenny CoCo for conservation of the Shee Alms House and the Historic Well at Canal walk both completed in 2023.

Private Garden awards

Highly Commended

Breda Slattery, 17 Meadow Hill

Susan Wallace, 19 Meadow Hill

Jacinta Burke, 15 Meadow Hill

Noreen Corcoran, 66 Aylesbury

Mary & Pat Walsh, 52 Crannog, The Weir

Ailse & Brian Barry, 11 Garringreen\Whitewood

Gill Leo 29 The Fairways

Maureen Mc Cormack, 54 Melville Heights

Linda Sweeney, 14 Haltigan Terrace

4 Westfield Drive

Fanaghan Barry, 141 Walkin Street

Ann Tynan, 16 Fr. Murphy Square

Brigid Breen, 22 Dean Kavanagh place

Edward Healy,12 Spring mount, Waterford Rd

Denis O’ Reilly, 7 Mayfield

Betty Wall, 33 the Paddocks

Noel Frawley, 4 Cashel Avenue

Kevin Brennan, 58 Riverview

Catherine Duffe, Auburn Dr. Glendine

Michael Conroy, Dunamase, Kennyswell Road

Maurice Roche 16 Clarnwood

Ewelina Wieliezko, 10 Lintown court

TJ & Tim Martin, 24 Talbots Gate


Runner Up:- Private Garden awards

The Cuffe Family, 28 Dukesmeadows Avenue,


Overall Winner:- Private Garden awards

Paddy Brennan 10 College Court


Residential Estates – Highly Commended

Outrath court


Newpark Lower

Roberts Hill


Best estate runner up 2023

Talbots Gate, Freshford Road


Best overall estate 2023

Sycamores & Aylesbury


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