GRT – Re-opening arrangements for May 18, 2020

Dear Customer,

At GRT Hire Ltd, we are continuing to do what we can to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 Virus.

We wish to ensure the safety of both you and our staff while providing a satisfactory service to you.

As and from Monday May 18, we will resume normal trading but our yards and shops will remain closed to general public and visitors.

All hire enquiries, advice, bookings and arrangements can be accommodated via phone and email.

Procedures for collection and return of equipment will be explained at time of booking.

We will ensure that our returned hire Items are thoroughly washed and disinfected. They are also isolated for a minimum 24 hours before being returned to our Hire Fleet.

We wish everyone all the very best and hope we can continue to work together to tackle this crisis. Stay Safe and thank you for your understanding and on-going custom.

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