European Mobility Week inspires Kilkenny residents to embrace sustainable transport and Mayor Joe Malone invites all residents to join a cycle for Car-Free Day on Friday, the 22nd of September

Mayor Joe Malone, was joined by Minister Malcolm Noonan, the City Councillors and school children, for the inaugural city cycle PHOTO Vicky Comerford

European Mobility Week is here, and Kilkenny is joining cities across Europe in a collective effort to take stock of current transport challenges and progress towards sustainable transport choices. Kilkenny residents are encouraged to start with small changes by replacing car journeys with sustainable alternatives, such as walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling or perhaps remote working.

The global challenges of climate change, transport poverty, air quality and noise pollution call for immediate action, and European Mobility Week offers a perfect opportunity for Kilkenny residents to make a difference. By opting for eco-friendly modes of transportation, we can reduce our carbon footprint, improve air quality, and enhance the liveability of our beautiful city. Walking, cycling and wheeling have the added benefits of helping us meet the physical activity guidelines as part our daily activities.

Kilkenny has always been a hub of culture and heritage, and now it’s time for us to showcase our commitment to a sustainable future. By making small changes to our daily routines, we can collectively create a positive impact. Here are some ways in which you can get involved:

Embrace Active Travel: Walk or cycle for short trips. Kilkenny boasts picturesque streets and beautiful green spaces that are best appreciated on foot or by bike.

Support Public Transport: Take advantage of Kilkenny’s new city buses. Buses are efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly options.

Share the journey: If you have longer journeys or need to use a car, consider carpooling or sharing lifts with friends, neighbours, or colleagues or walking the last part of your journey. Sharing lifts not only reduces emissions but also saves you money and time.

Plan Your Trips: Combine journeys and plan your routes efficiently to reduce the number of trips you need to make.

As part of the festivities, the Mayor Joe Malone will host a cycle on Friday, the 22nd, World Car Free Day. He expressed enthusiasm for Kilkenny’s participation in European Mobility Week, saying, “We have a beautiful city, and it’s our responsibility to protect it for future generations. Let’s use this week as an opportunity to show our dedication to a cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant Kilkenny. I would like to invite schoolchildren and members of the community to join us for a second Mayor’s city cycle on International Car-Free Day. After a hugely successful inaugural cycle, we are going to try and make this a regular event to show people some of the attractive routes in the city. People can join us at 12 noon in County Hall on Friday 22nd and we will look forward to some of the school groups joining us along the route”.

Kilkenny County Council, together with BOLT are offering free trips on the E-Bike share scheme and BOLT commercial for companies. Aisling Dunne, Head of Policy with BOLT Ireland, said “Car-Free Day is an ideal opportunity to try an e-bike. To avail of a free trip, download and sign up to the BOLT app, find your nearest bike and scan the QR code to start your journey. We are now delighted to offer BOLT commercial in Kilkenny. This provides companies with an opportunity to allow their employees to travel sustainably for journeys across the city and manage this through the BOLT commercial platform, this is just one more step in progressing towards a sustainable city.”

Join us in making Kilkenny a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable place to live. Let’s start with small changes, because even the smallest steps can lead to significant positive impacts. Together, we can make a difference!

For more information and updates on European Mobility Week in Kilkenny, please visit or see the updates on Kilkenny County Council socials.


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