Diversity and commitment evident as Thomastown goes from strength to strength

Cast and crew of the JB Keane play Moll staged at Thomastown Concert Hall. BACK: Delia Lowrey, Brendan Maguire, John Whitely, Ger Cody, Michael Hayes, Dee Gibney, Cliodhna Ryan,. FRONT: Gemma Grant, Derek Dooley, Claire Henriques and Sean Hackett

All Moll photographs by

Aidona Photography Kilkenny


The lights have been turned off at the Ballast Presbytery.

Fr Pratt is gone to greener pastures, while Moll Kettle puts Fr Brest, current PP, through his paces to become the best fundraiser in the dioceses.

Fr Loran continues with the running of the nightly bingo while dreaming of conducting his magical choir.

Bridgie Andover and husband Ulick are expecting a child.


Great houses reported by Lake

Front of house manager Dee Gibney reported very healthy sales for the first three nights of the stage production of Moll by J B Keane and recorded full houses for the final three performances.

The show was presented by Lake Productions who celebrated their fifth year in business.

” It was an absolute pleasure being part of the Thomastown set up for the last two weeks”, and “our get in” at The Concert Hall and Production dates were enhanced by the welcome we received from Seamus Quigley and his crew”, continued Dee.


Congrats to Thomastown

Speaking on behalf of Lake Productions on the final night, Dee congratulated the venue for their commitment to community theatre and said she was thrilled to see the diversity of activities at the hall.

Ms Gibney thanked all involved in the Moll production both on and off stage, giving a special mention to audiences who supported the production in such large numbers..

“The writing of John B Keane is still very much alive and kicking “, said Dee.


A Thomastown welcome

Venue manager at Thomastown Hall Seamus Quigley said he was delighted with the response to the show over the six nights and was happy with the relationship between the Concert Hall and Lake Productions.

Moll by JB KEANE marked the groups 22nd production since they were founded in 2018.

In a message delivered to backstage at Thomastown on the final night, John Keane, son of the author, congratulated Lake Productions on their fantastic run and on behalf of the Keane family said he was thrilled having his fathers work in such safe hands.


Thomastown Concert Hall leads the way in community spirit

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the actions of its members.” So said Coretta Scott King.

If ever an example of a community spirit was needed then one need look no further that the Community Hall in Thomastown.

No shortage of groups

Groups and activities include: Theatre, Music, Concerts, Slimming World, Circuit Training, ICA, Hip Hop, Aerobics, Senior Citizens, River Trust, Pilates, Bingo, E.T.B, Active Retirement, Irish Dancing, Tidy Towns Community Network, Men’s Shed, Country Market.

There is public access Wi-fi and there are 53 car parking spaces.

Speaking at the venue recently, manager Seamus Quigley said that the venue was going from strength to strength. “This is community in action “, said Mr Quigley who went on to say that great credit is due to all volunteers.

Seamus said that they are continually upgrading the venue and that every space is being used which promotes not just the hall but also Thomastown itself. .

During a recent interview, Emily Kelly, Production manager for Moll said: “Lake productions would like to thank manager Seamus Quigley and his team for the céad míle fáilte every night.

To see the work being carried out by the volunteers night after night is nothing short of inspirational.

The team from Thomastown go above and beyond the call of duty to make visiting groups and audiences welcome.

A smile when you arrive and the kettle always boiling. They just couldn’t do enough for you.”

Emily went on to say that the venue and facilities are both top class.

Claire Henriques who plays the role of Moll said that it was an absolute pleasure to present a theatre production at Thomastown.


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