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THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS My daughter has moved back home. At 39. With her husband and 10-month old daughter Faye. And half a lifetime’s wardrobe that would have left Imelda Marcos looking like the poor relation. The pair recently sold their house in Dublin and have yet to find their ideal ‘family’ …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST ALCOHOLISM wrecks everything. It rips families apart, devastates health, ruins bank balances and ultimately, if not overcome, kills. Problems with the demon drink are as old as alcohol itself. So, most probably, are methods for beating them. In days gone by, punishments for inebriation were draconian. Drunks in medieval times were …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR THE earth did not move, there were no signs in the night sky when IORP II was put into Irish law in April this year. IORP II stands for Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision. This legislation is going to have a very significant impact on you if you are a …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON FUNNY the way a sentence in a book can jump out at you and start a whole train of thought. Lara Marlowe’s newly published memoir Love In A Time Of War, recounting her years with war correspondent Robert Fisk is a case in point for me. “I fell …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS When my younger brother and I were small, before our sister arrived into the world, and we would get one of those many childhood ailments, my mother would send for the doctor, having created a bed downstairs for whoever was laid low, by way of two armchairs facing …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST “SIT down next to me” sing the rock band James. It is a call to people who are suffering bad periods in their life, times of stress, perhaps a complete desertion of optimism. In other words, all of us. “I’ll sing myself to sleep, a song from the darkest hour, secrets …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR WHEREVER there is even the slightest opportunity of making some easy money, you may be sure that criminals lie ready to pounce. The internet opens up many such opportunities, and charlatans appear to be waiting around every virtual corner with the latest online scam. Especially at Christmas time when our …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON THERE was a time when I wanted to be a farmer’s wife. I loved the warmth of a cow’s flank when milking, the smell of the hay barn and catching brown trout in the river on my uncle’s farm in Co Down. I cherished that rural dream for …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS Okay so, you are walking down the street. Suddenly, you fancy a bottle of diet whats-it. Immediately, next to you, a vending machine appears, filled with those diet what’s-its. You grab a bottle, slug away to your heart’s content, and continue on your way. Next, your other half …


BY CLAIR WHITTY I think looking after our immune system is at the top of our list this year more than any other. Many of you, like me, will be trying to prevent common cold symptoms developing into respiratory problems. You won’t want to miss any days from work or your kids any days from …