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THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS In half a century plying my trade in journalism, I have found myself on three occasions smack bang in the middle of what are euphemistically termed ‘conflict zones’. In short, war of one kind or another. For three years in the late ‘70s I covered the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe ‘bush …


AS I SEE IT MARIANNE HERON Look before you leap should be the watchword before getting caught up in the toils of carbon reduction on the home front. With our homes accounting for a quarter of carbon emissions from energy consumption and continuing to rise, we all want to do what we can to help …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Organic freshly pressed juices are a fantastic way to support your diet and improve your health. Making the juices yourself is the ideal way to go. But, if like me, you don’t have a juicer or you know that you just won’t do it, then freshly pressed organic juices like Biona are …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR Ireland is a favourite destination among expats, according to the website It’s a friendly country with an excellent educational system and a high standard of living. But they warn, if you are considering moving to Ireland to live, the cost of living should be a primary consideration. We recognise …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST CULTURAL differences are plentiful between West and East. Some things are better here, others there and a myriad of nuances exist which are neither superior nor inferior but which fit in with the ambiance of their surroundings. The world is beautiful because it’s different. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t learn …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS Brought up in that austere Catholic Ireland of the ‘50s and ‘60s, the 40 days of Lent was my penance enough to the world but, even in my annual endeavour to “give up sweets”, I always allowed myself a break on Sundays from my sacrifice and would gorge …


BY CLAIR WHITTY There are lots of supplements to help the journey from perimenopause to menopause and beyond. We have had a couple of new ones in and I mentioned I would tell you about them. This week it’s NORVIA® Menopause and it is proudly produced in Ireland. NORVIA® Menopause is a protein-rich, plant-based, powdered …


AS I SEE IT MARIANNE HERON With International Women’s Day coming up on Tuesday, March 8 it seems a good time to ask what do women want? Generally we — that is men and women — want the same things. It might be more appropriate to ask what women don’t want. They don’t want the …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR I’m sure every financial advisors email has been flooded with the views of the various institutions on the Ukrainian crisis. And, as people scramble to make sense of the upheaval, much current guidance will become nearly immediately outdated being replaced by new advice as the saga unfolds. Areas of concern …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST THE SADNESS of a loved one’s passing is an unwelcome visitor for all of us at one time or another. The cycle of life dictates that those we cherish will eventually leave us, or us them. Just as there are countless ways this can happen, there is a myriad of ways …