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BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR Last edition we looked at the cost of free education for our children. As we saw if your child lives away from home, you could expect to pay over €11,000 a year on average for bills and accommodation. (Source: DIT: Campus Life) So, if you are in a position to put …


BY EOIN EVERARD Successfully avoiding future back pain, managing current pain and achieving full potential from your back requires that you adhere to the “code”, that is, the “code” required for a resilient back and a pain-free lifestyle. As Captain Barbosa stated in that famous line in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” upon reneging …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS The global music industry is worth more than €50 billion annually, with two major income revenue streams. Live music makes up over 50% of total revenues, derived mainly from sales of tickets to live gigs. The other, recordings, sees revenue from streaming, downloads, physical sales and synchronisation revenues, …


KATHLEEN FUNCHION Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow Sinn Féin TD Kathleen Funchion for Carlow Kilkenny has warned that the government is continuing to fail families through its ongoing failure to address skyrocketing childcare fees despite being in power for a year. Teachta Funchion said: “Childcare costs are far too high and are simply unaffordable …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR EDUCATION in Ireland is supposed to be free, but each year back-to-school costs are rising for families. Research carried out by Zurich in the Cost of Education in Ireland report reveals what parents estimate the cost of education to be and what the actual cost is. The research also highlights …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Many of you will be familiar with the herb sage. It’s best known as a female tonic and is commonly associated with cooling hot flushes and night sweats. It can be used by both men and women who overheat, helping with sweaty hands and sweaty feet too. But leaving the conversation there …


By Andrew McDonald – Hypnotherapist Eat breakfast! Two simple words, one easy action but something which can radically alter your relationship with food and your weight with a minimum of effort. Many people think skipping breakfast will help them to eat less and lose the pounds. Actually the complete opposite is true! By not eating …


BY EOIN EVERARD It’s gotten a bit confusing how we sometimes look at our health. When pain strikes the low back we usually think we just got a new problem or injury. But why then was coughing, shaving, or doing the laundry, so different this time? These are things we do every day. Rarely is a new episode …


BY: CLAIR WHITTY We can’t slow down the years but maybe we could slow the process of ageing? With hydrated skin, strong bones and muscles, and flexible joints. Wouldn’t that be great? Collagen can help. It’s the body’s most abundant protein after all. It’s found in skin, hair, bones, joint cartilage, and tendons. Collagen provides …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS I only ever saw my Father cry once. And that was when his own father died and the word came through with a messenger from the local newsagent, the only ones in the area with a phone in those days. And he sat down at the top of …