The service users in the IWA have had the privilege of having the ‘Mobile Music Machine’ visit which is a group of the finest musicians from Ireland who played a number of concerts for them over the past 12 months. Covid care concerts were created by Gerald Peregine who plays the cello. The concerts bring …


Nicholas Ryan-Purcell was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at thirteen years of age. He was also faced with mental health challenges, brought on by early trauma, which triggered a lengthy depression. Nicholas overcame a series of obstacles to complete his Leaving Certificate and then undertake, and graduate, from a three- year course in TV production at …


We have heard it over and over again. The saying is around since Adam was a boy. ‘Never judge a book by its cover’. It is a saying that has come from the lips of many. Whether it is in relation to love, or purchasing an item, the saying is repeated ad nauseam. It is …


This week marks the final week in our series of Christmas Short stories and The Kilkenny Observer is delighted to welcome Patrick Griffin (A re-imagining of the Christmas story) By Patrick Griffin There was no question about the quality of the table in my workshop. “You are an exceptional carver of wood,” my customer said. I …


A SEASONAL SHORT STORY BY PAUL HOPKINS I had thought about it for, I guess, the best part of a day, mulled over it, slept on it, my baby brother rabbiting the head off himself in his bed opposite me. My plan was to burrow my way to the back of the huge stand-alone wardrobe …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR MONEY sense isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about your behaviour and it’s difficult to teach. Personal finance and business decisions are typically taught using formulae graphs and excel sheets to tell us what you should do. But in reality people don’t make financial decisions logically. Fear, greed, ego, …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON FOR several years now the only New Year resolution I have made is not to make one. It’s not that I can’t see the appeal of starting the year full of good intentions. It’s all to do with making a fresh start once the Christmas festivities are over …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Christmas is not for everyone and as such, some of you might feel a bit of pressure with all the build-up to it. All the talk, all the ads, and all the music. It can get to you. And those of you that love Christmas can feel stress and anxiety too because …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS It seems like it was only yesterday that I wrote elsewhere, Where did that year go, what with 2021 just upon us? Now, here I am again, wondering where the last 12 months went? I may not be any the wiser but I am, unfortunately, another year older …


Sadie Morris (6), Dublin Road, Kilkenny at the Amber Stars for Yulefest star installation in the Castle Yard. Amber’s One Million Stars Ireland project celebrated its second birthday recently, announcing that star weavers from Kilkenny and across the country have helped the project reach the significant milestone of 100,000 stars.The project, which connects communities across …