Ballyragget Yulefest got underway last weekend. On Friday evening, florist Lynda Jackman from Petals’N Blooms Thomastown, held a Wreath Making Workshop in the Community Hall. This two hour workshop resulted in some fabulous creations on the night and the Christmas themed refreshments from Mary’s Kitchen were enjoyed.
On Saturday our annual Christmas market took place in the Community Hall with over 15 stalls selling local produce, art, crafts, and woollen goods. Lots of support from the community was seen with the crowds that attended throughout the afternoon. On Saturday evening the village was bustling with excitement as news spread that Santa would visit the Square. Residents of the Square – the Holland family- were on hand to light up the Christmas lights just before the arrival of Santa Claus. Young and old were delighted to see the special visitor arriving on a pony and sleigh with the help from the Traffic Corps from Kilkenny and Castlecomer ensuring his safe arrival. Santa spent some time giving everyone a high five and a quick word before taking some photographs with the children. Ballyragget Yulefest will continue throughout the month of December with a Remembrance concert taking place in St Patricks Church Ballyragget on Friday 8th at 7pm.
There is also the wonderful Grange Wonderland for people to visit from 6pm to 9pm each weekend evening and can be opened by appointment. Proceeds from this years Grange Wonderland is Motor Neurone Ireland.
For more information contact Pat Farrell 0872814661.
Darts for turkeys and hams will take place in An Chearnog throughout December.
Names to be in for 10 pm each night. Contact Joe Kelly 0872942437.
Christmas Mass times for Ballyragget Parish are as follows: Christmas Eve 6.30pm Ballyouskill 9pm Ballyragget Christmas Day 10.30 am Ballyragget.