Why is my hair falling out?


I often get asked about thinning hair and hair falling out. This can affect people of all ages. It is a distressing problem that can cause stress, anxiety, and embarrassment. For most people there is a cause at the root of it.

Common reasons for hair loss: Hormonal changes, especially during the menopause, can contribute to hair loss. Low testosterone levels in men and women can cause issues with hair growth. Thyroid problems or other medical issues can be a factor. Stress can affect your hair growth and you may not see the negative effect of stress for several months after a highly stressful period. Stress can deplete your B Vitamins and Vitamin C. It can lead to inadequate digestion of the food that you eat which can mean that you are not absorbing the vital nutrients for hair health, so stress management is important.

Nutrient deficiencies can include: B Vitamins, amino acids (the building blocks of protein), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, and omega 3,6, and 9. Nuts, seeds, oily fish, good quality seed oils like hemp, flax, or walnut would provide extra omega oils. Nuts and seeds are a natural source of B Vitamins and protein. Pulses and lentils, poultry, red meat, nuts, and eggs are other sources of protein. Pumpkin seeds provide zinc. Vitamin C, found in fresh fruit and vegetables, will help support collagen production.

Biotin is one of the most sought-after supplements for hair loss. Many hairdressers recommend it to their clients. Biotin is a B vitamin also known as vitamin B7. It’s an important vitamin most commonly known for skin and hair health. You will find it in eggs, nuts, and sweet potatoes. Biotin is in many supplements for hair support, but some may be looking for a higher dose. Solgar Biotin 5,000ug is one of our most popular Biotin supplements as a one-a-day capsule. It would combine well with Solgar B100 Complex if you are experiencing a lot of stress and would work alongside any omega oil that you take.

Trying to figure out what is causing the problem can be difficult. A combination of healthy diet, lifestyle, stress reduction and additional support of supplements may help your hair growth get back to normal.

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