What the rules are governing a carer pension


Last week we looked at some of the changes coming down the line for the State pension (contributory). This week we look at the pension for caregivers.

A Pensions Commission was established in November 2020 to examine the sustainability of the State pension system and the Social Insurance Fund, comprised of 11 members which included representation from workers, employers, civil society, academics, and those with technical and policy expertise.

A comprehensive report followed on October 7, 2021 based on various analyses of population, labour force and expenditure projections with “an examination of international approaches and responses to an extensive consultation process”. This report established among over things that the current State pension system was not sustainable into the future and set out a wide range of recommendations which included raising the pension age.

The Government decided against raising the pension age which shouldn’t have surprised us with the blow back from society in general. But it did decide, among other suggestions, to make it possible for carers to qualify for the State Pension (Contributory) when they reach pension age.

This means any period in which they are registered as providing care to an incapacitated person can be included in their pay-related social insurance (PRSI) record. (It is important to note that Long-Term Carers Contributions can only be used for State Pension (Contributory) once you have reached a minimum of 1040 weeks (20 years).

If you have cared for someone full-time, you can now apply for these contributions. You can be awarded a Long-Term Carer’s Contribution on your PRSI record for each week that you provided full-time care to an incapacitated person.

To qualify, you must have permanently lived in the State during the period of care (except where EU or a posted worker). You have been aged between 16 or over and under pension age at the time you provided care. You have not been in employment, self-employment, voluntary work, training or education courses which add up to more than 18.5 hours a week during the period of care. You have not been in receipt of a weekly social welfare payment, except for Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Benefit, Domiciliary Care Allowance or Carer’s Support Grant.

Normally you must reside with the person being cared for and provide full-time care and attention but in some circumstances you may qualify if you do not reside with the person being cared while providing full-time care and attention.

The person being cared for must have a disability where they require continual supervision to avoid danger to themselves or continual supervision and frequent assistance throughout the day in connection with their normal bodily functions and the nature and extent of their disability has been certified in the prescribed manner by a medical practitioner.

The quickest way to apply for Long-Term Carer’s Contributions is online at MyWelfare.ie. You must have a verified MyGovID account to use MyWelfare.ie. Or you can request an application form by contacting Pension Caring Supports- Address: Department of Social Protection, McCarter’s Road, Buncrana, Co. Donegal, F93 CH79.  Email then at pensioncaringsupports@welfare.ie. Phone number:01 471 5898, 0818 690 690. If you are calling from outside of Ireland please call +353 1 471 5898.


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