Vicky has heart set on a July homecoming

VICKY Phelan has said she remains as positive as ever, despite an increase in pain, although the Kilkenny woman says it doesn’t look like any new tumours, nor an increase in her tumour mass, has occurred.
In the US for cancer treatment but hopes to be back home by July. She said: “I have been in more pain lately in my lower back/pelvis and, of course, in my head I jump to cancer and assume that tumours are growing or that I have a new tumour.
“But, thankfully, that’s to the case.”
Ms Phelan said she homes to be home in the summer to see her children and family and friends. “I got very upset as I was talking about how much I miss my kids and how I need to see them,” she said.
“ I had been struggling over the past weeks because I could not see an end in sight or countdown to a specific date in the future when I would see my kids again. At least now I know that I will be heading home sometime in July,”

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