Valentines night in June, as Lake Productions introduce Shirley

Committee members of Lake productions at the launch of Shirley Valentine. Back row: Ken McGuire, Ger Cody, Joe Murray, Geoff Rose. Seated : Emily Kelly, Mary Cradock, Clare Gibbs and Dee Gibney

Text: Gerry Cody

Photos Pat Shortall

One of the most relaxed and entertaining theatre launches took place last week in the wonderful surroundings of Billy Byrne’s pub on John Street.

Over forty years ago during the halcyon days of my youth I frequented Billy Byrne’s, on a regular basis. At that time the pub was a haven for an eclectic mix of characters that loved fun and frivolity and the occasional pint. This was a time when Billy Byrne’s was to the forefront of innovative TV viewing. A fifty foot aerial to the rear of the premise beamed fuzzy pictures that allowed us, in two channel land, to view, through a snowy screen, the iconic ‘Match of the Day’ and the sometimes controversial Dave Allen. As I journey back across the years I call to mind the old familiar faces, that joined proprietors Billy & Hannah in making this hostelry such a cherished oasis: Black Bob, Red Rajah, Naxie, Duke, Tosh, Amby and so many more. Some, alas, have joined Billy & Hannah in the silent land, but I hope they are supping quiet libations and keeping a benevolent eye on those of us in life’s departure lounge. The stories and antics generated are legion.

Leaping forward to the present day Billy Byrne’s survives and is home to a Film Club, live music and theatrical performances. Supported by a new generation and a new clientele it plays an integral part in helping the arts to grow and to flourish in Kilkenny. It was great to be back in Billy Byrne’s on Tuesday evening, initially to reminisce but perhaps more importantly to embrace change and to acknowledge the resilience of a superb family venture.

The reason for the visit to Byrne’s public house was to attend the launch of ‘Shirley Valentine’, a theatrical production being staged by Kilkenny group Lake Productions.

Over 40 people gathered to hear about their forthcoming production on a night that included music, food, song and chat.

One could not stress how much the venue added to the launch. If the idea was to have the evening as a relaxed event, then that is exactly what was achieved. And some.

Liverpool theme

MC for the evening was Lake committee member Ken McGuire who kept the evenings entertainment flowing. Kicking off proceedings was the singing duo of Tony Cleere and Conan Doyle. And given that Shirley Valentine is set in Liverpool, the affable singing duo regaled the attendance with such songs as ‘Norwegian Wood’ ‘Don’t let me down’ and ‘Hide your love away’ by the Beatles. Other numbers included ‘Make you feel my love’, ‘Waterloo Sunset’ and ‘Sunny afternoon’

Geoff Rose to the occasion

When, in 1988, Liverpool playwright Willy Russell sat down to write Shirley Valentine, which Lake Productions will stage in the Barnstorm venue at the Home Rule Club from July 24 to 27th, the playwright was tapping into the oldest form of storytelling in the world of theatre, the one woman/man solo performance.

Geoff Rose gave a wonderful account of previous one person shows that have graced the Kilkenny stage in past years including performances from Kilkenny actors such as Jim Maher, Donal O’Brien, Michael Hayes, Jimmy Rhatigan and Ann Hurley.

Director of the show Mary Cradock gave a brief synopsis of the production before introducing Clare Gibbs who read an extract of the play. If her reading is anything to go by, then theatre goers are in for a wonderful production.

The attendance was like a ‘who’s who’ from the Kilkenny art scene and included the chair of the D.L.I. Edward Hayden, Rose Kelly and Sheila Ragget from Stoneyford Stage school, Nicola Ryan from Barn Owl Players, Mark Cradock from Carlow Little Theatre and Linda Beale White from Kats Theatre. It was lovely to catch up also with playwright Frank Marshall, former Watergate staff members Gabby Maher and Dick Holland and Dunamaggin based artist Andrew Small.

Also in attendance was Thomastown based theatre maker Gillian Grattan.

There was also a strong contingent of Lake production members present including Joe Murray, Derek Dooley and Sean Hackett, who appeared recently in their production of ‘Da’ by Hugh Leonard.

Founding member of Lake, Emily Kelly thanked all for attending the launch and gave details of booking.


Lake Productions will stage SHIRLEY VALENTINE at the Barnstorm venue at the Home Rule Club, Johns Quay Kilkenny July 24 to 27th.

Booking now open. 083 325 0617


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