Twilight Cultural Hub

Twilight’s International Cultural House was rocking & rolling, for their open day on Easter Saturday with just the lift installation to be completed as the final part of the jigsaw.

The concept of this Cultural Hub was devised in 2018 and was set into this progressive Kilkenny Community Group five-year plan. The hub is for all communities to come and share the facilities and benefit from a safe and secure environment.

“This is a cultural hub for everyone, including all our Kilkenny Community groups and individuals.” CEO Martin Brennan told the Kilkenny Observer. “Sometimes when we hear the word culture or cultural many wrongly assume that it’s for migrants, immigrants, and refugees. At Twilight we welcome Men, Women, Boys, and Girls in all their diversity and our motto is ‘Communities Are Stronger Together’ #cast therefore everyone can avail of our services and participate in our projects, the Host Nation’s communities.

The former Chairperson of the Older People’s Council and current Councillor John Coonan was thrilled with the Venue and the services it has to offer “This is something that is really needed as it brings everyone together especially as we see what is happening not just across Europe but Ireland as well!  Cultural houses should be the way forward to assist integration.” Councillor Colleague David Fitzgerald who has been a supporter of this project and Twilight since day one commented on the size of the new Cultural House “The space is incredible, Community Hall, Digital media studio, and the meeting rooms, classroom, and the unique sensory room, the work done has to be commended and supported by the public and the authority to ensure its success”.

Well, Councillors are you interested in using Twilight Studio to make your election videos for social media? Just call and we will guarantee the high quality of your video.

So, what will be available in the Twilight International Cultural House for the Senior community?

  1. Seniors Club

Here we have a meeting point for our seniors (55 +) including our cultural library, Specialist assistants for Chair based Exercise, Sessions with our friends in the Fire Service, Garda, Credit Union, Our Solicitors, and Money Advice as they all advise on security, personal safety, and legal matters that concern our seniors and of course, afternoon tea and dances and trips to places that the seniors themselves choose for days out. At Twilight we believe that Seniors are undervalued and are the most important cohort of our community.

  1. Digital Media and Online Courses: As we become part of the digital revolution, no group, including our seniors, should be excluded.
  2. Join the studio Team and learn how to record, edit and publish our video programmes
  3. Our weekly podcast as we take the streets to get the voice of the people on topics that concern our communities
  4. Twilight Youth Inclusion Group A youth club is open to all nationalities regardless of status. This club takes part in Erasmus+ programmes with exchange programmes to all European countries as part of our Connecting Cultures programme. Discussions are well underway to build an exchange programme for our Senior Club. With our French and Moroccan Partners on board, oh yes, a wonderful winter sun holiday in Morocco is on the agenda for our Twilight Seniors
  5. Arts / Drama and dance groups. These groups are across all age groups as the Twilight Choir is a major project for 2024 with Stefan J Doyle of X Factor fame leading the way

All our upcoming projects are designed by our Intercultural forum and our seniors have two seats, like all other groups on this forum.  We are an open and inclusive community group and welcome all ‘New Communities’ to utilise this new and developing project.

If you wish to be part of this exciting venture for all nationalities and communities all you do is email or call 086 3255840

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