Top supplements for kids heading back to school


By Clair Whitty, Natural Health Store, Market Cross

It’s that time of year again when you’re thinking about getting the kids ready to go back to school. Maybe you’re thinking about what to give them for extra support so that they are ready to face the school year ahead of them. Some of my favourite products for kids heading back into school are Eskimo Oil for Kids, vitamin D, and Revive Active, Junior Revive and Teen Revive for kids and teens, an Irish Brand.
Omega Oils are extremely important for a child’s development especially brain function, vision, and immunity. Most young people don’t eat enough oily foods or oily fish to get enough of these important omega oils. We cannot make these omega oils ourselves so they must be provided either through food and if not, in a good quality supplement.
For example, Eskimo- 3 Kids Omega Oils contain the important DHA needed for brain development. Eskimo 3 Kids contains omega 3-6 and 9, plus vitamin D which we know is important for immunity, mood, and normal bone development. The oil is suitable for children 1–12 years old and can be enjoyed straight from the spoon, or you can add it to your favourite food or smoothie for an omega-3 boost. You can choose Tutti Frutti or Orange flavour. There’s also an orange chewable with omega-3 and vitamin D for the fussier eaters. You can choose Eskimo Brain 369 for young teenagers in exam years. The sooner you start taking omega oils the better especially for exam students.
Support their diet with a good multivitamin, for example Revive Junior is suitable for 4–12-year-olds or Revive Teen for ages 13–18. Both products contain a mix of nutrients including Wellmune® a Beta Glucan from the Kerry Group. This comprehensive formulation supports your child’s immune system, bones, cognitive function, mental performance, and heart. I love that you only have to give it on the school days, you have the weekend off. It has no flavour so you can mix it into anything. For example, yoghurt, juice, cereal, or milk.
Support your kids’ diet with extra nutrients in Revive Junior/Teen and omega oils in Eskimo Kids Omega Oils. This will help give their body the tools it needs to function at optimal levels, giving them a kick start this school year, and hopefully they’ll miss less days from school too.
Why not call in to have a chat with us or check out our online shop for deals, blogs, and recipes.

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Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny

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