The St. John’s dream that became a reality

The Side by Side community group from St John’s  parish gathered in the parish centre on Thursday last to celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary. The day began with a special mass celebrated by Monsignor Dan Carroll.

Joining the celebrations was the Mayor of Kilkenny, Cllr. Andrew McGuinness, a regular participant in club activities. Also in attendance were family members of the club founders as well as relatives and friends of former members.

In a positive and complimentary address to the large attendance, Monsignor Carroll congratulated the club on its longevity and on the positive impact it had, and continues to have, on the people and the parish of St John’s. He remembered with particular fondness and appreciation, Kitty Guidera, Lil Redmond and Mary Parle, the dreamers and visionaries, who initiated the concept of the Side by Side club in 1975. Monsignor Carroll also had words of praise for the present members and leaders of the club as they continue to embellish the rich tapestry and diversity at the heart of the group’s activities.

As the celebratory cake was about to be cut, Mayor Andrew McGuinness surprised the attendance by presenting the Side by Side club with a Mayor’s Award honouring the group’s long and distinguished commitment to the health and wellbeing of the community.

The great afternoon of celebration concluded with light refreshments, lots of chat and reminiscences and with the fun and frivolity of mentally stimulating interactive games.

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