Christmas is not for everyone and as such, some of you might feel a bit of pressure with all the build-up to it. All the talk, all the ads, and all the music. It can get to you. And those of you that love Christmas can feel stress and anxiety too because you have so much to do to be prepared. Some of you will overindulge on food, sweets, or alcohol, your digestive system could end up needing support. Here are some survival tips to try.
Stressed: My favourite supplements for stress and anxiety are Bach Flower Rescue Remedy and Stressveda. Rescue Remedy is easy to use. You simply add a few drops to water and sip throughout the day. This is also brilliant to relax over excited-children and adults too! Stressveda is a one-a-day supplement that includes Ashwagandha and B vitamins, ideal for stress and anxiety. It can help with energy too.
Lacking motivation and Drive: Higher Nature Alert (Drive) is a supplement I have tried when my mood was low with a lack of energy and drive. I was dragging myself around with no real motivation. Higher Nature Alert” gave me a lift, improved my lack of drive, and helped with energy too. Worth a try if you feel like I did.
Energy Boost: When I need an energy boost, I think of iron, Floradix Liquid Iron is what I would choose. It tastes great and one bottle can do the trick and get me going again.
Overindulgence: A.Vogel Milk Thistle Complex – This is an ideal herbal remedy to have in your cupboard as it aids digestion, and helps to support the liver helping it to deal with the effects of alcohol. It helps break down fats so you don’t feel so sluggish after the main meal.
Bloating: Try Salus Peppermint tea. It’s ideal to help with bloating, wind (comma) and flatulence. It helps to digest food more efficiently and is pleasant tasting too.
Heartburn: Try a spoonful of bread soda in a glass of water. Or eat an apple to ease discomfort. Hubner liquid Silica is a great supplement to try. It helps relieve nausea, bloating, and heartburn.
I hope these tips help and that you have a happy Christmas and a happy New Year.
If you have any questions about anything at all we would love to have a chat with you.
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