On Wednesday November 23rd, the CBS Primary School opened its doors and welcomed parents for a very enjoyable and informative open evening that showcased a wide range of fantastic work that is taking place throughout the school.
Next September the school will mark a landmark moment when it welcomes Junior Infants – boys and girls- in through its famous gates for the first time in its 70-year history in Kilkenny City.
There was a great buzz of excitement throughout as interested parents listened to school principal Niall Bergin outline a wide range of excellent opportunities available to all pupils in the school.
The assembled crowd was treated to a wonderful performance on ukulele from a group of the senior pupils.
The boys played George Ezra’s Shotgun and Vance Joy’s Riptide.
The pupils learned the songs as part of the Music Generation programme that runs every week throughout the school for all classes.
Mrs Ann Marie Cahill, whose son JJ is in 6th class, addressed the crowd and spoke about her experiences as a parent of a pupil in the school.
Ann Marie painted a vivid picture of how all members of the school community are working in unison to ensure that all pupils are encouraged and enabled to fulfil their potential both academically and socially.
Interested parents were given tours of the school afterwards and got to see the wide range of activities that the school has to offer.
If you were unable to make the open evening, you are strongly encouraged to contact principal Niall Bergin on (056) 7761739 who would be more than happy to meet with you and give you a tour of the school.