St John’s Parish Pilgrimage to Knock

On Wednesday 21st August, the 145th anniversary of the apparition at Knock, Fr. Dan Carroll led a group of ninety parishioners from St John’s parish to visit the international Marian shrine.

Despite the inclement weather, all pilgrims enjoyed a day of prayer and renewal. The long journey to Knock was broken with a stop in Athlone in the morning and another stop in the Grand Hotel Moate on the way home.

All agreed the day was a major success and Fr Dan thanked all who travelled for their commitment to the overall ethos of the pilgrimage.

He also thanked Eamon Maher and the two bus drivers for their patience and kindness throughout the day.

Finally, Fr Dan praised Áine Butler and Jane Dineen for their organisation skills which ensured all aspects of the day’s pilgrimage ran smoothly.

The success of the day was emphasised as all who travelled were insistent on booking seats for 2025 pilgrimage.

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