‘Squat Toilets and Chopsticks’

Originally from Callan, Philip Bryan has been living in the city of Guiyang, Guizhou Province in China for the last eight years. He is currently teaching at the Number One High School in Guiyang. Back in 2017 Philip picked up a hobby of writing down his travel stories and experiences in notebooks and journals. Now those stories have just been published. Philip’s first book titled: Squat Toilets and Chopsticks: Experiencing Life Through Travel, was released on July 19th by Austin Macauley Publishers of England.

In his book, Philip takes you on amazing journeys through Australia, America, Jordan, Cambodia, Israel, Palestine and also how he ended up moving to China. He shares his experience on how he decided it was time to escape his job in Ireland and pursue a different journey and life. By moving to a country with a different culture and language, it provided him with countless adventures, experiences and opportunities to achieve so much.

Although every success story does not come without his difficulties, Philip shares his experiences with hard times and how he overcame obstacles and difficulties. He believes that travelling can provide people with an opportunity to deal with hardships and it can lead to unexpected results and outcomes.

Philip hopes his book can inspire others to break out of their comfort zones and get out there and see more of the amazing world we live in.

Philip will be holding two launches

August 2nd in Fennelly’s, Bridge Street, Callan with Cllr. Joe Lyons launching the event

August 9th in The Club House Hotel, Patrick Street, Kilkenny with Mayor Andrew McGuinness launching.

Philip’s book ‘Squat Toilets and Chopsticks’ is available to purchase in local shops, both in Kilkenny city and Callan

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