Spring Cleanup

A terrific turnout on Sunday morning last when over 60 volunteers turned out at Coolagh Church car park to rid the country roadsides of unsightly rubbish, including bottles, cans, fast food leftovers, children’s nappies, tyres, etc.

This was the first Spring Cleanup in the County. The enthusiastic locals cleaned the roadsides from Callan Bypass to Seskin Lane, Windgap, a long 5 mile stretch on the R698. All roads adjoining including Goatsbridge Rd, Long Road to Cherryfield, Courtnaboola Lane, Kyle Lane, Lodge Road, Knockbutton Road & Garryricken Road to the Clonmel Road at N76.

This was a huge undertaking, but while the huge band of volunteers left the countryside spotless, it is mind boggling why people tip plastic and papers from their cars, rather than recycling them, or cans and bottles dumped on the roadside, while a glass and can recycling facility is provided free at Prologue.

Credit to all involved in the major Cleanup, all who helped in any way. Over 80 large bags were filled in 2 hours. Well done to all.

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