DEPUTY Principal and Art teacher Siona Nic Eoin, Colaiste Pobail Osrai, is pictured with Tomm Moore, Director Cartoon Saloon, Liselott Olofsson, artist and teacher Gaelscoil Osrai and students Stephanie Nic Giolla Phadraig and Ryan O Griofa, from Colaiste Pobail Osraí, discussing the collaborative ‘Creative Clusters’ project in conjunction with the Arts, Heritage and Culture through the medium of Irish.
Students are working with Aine Ni Ghlinn, Laureate na nOg, and a series of visual artists from Cartoon Saloon, to develop a shared body of work, as Gaeilge.
The aim is to promote the use of the Irish Language through a creative medium to support the love our four school communities (Colaiste Pobail Osrai, Gaelscoil Osrai, Gaelcholaiste Cheatharlach agus Gaelscoil Eoghain Ui Thuairisc) have for the Irish language, through the medium of the Arts.
“We are excited to be able to work on such a project with Aine Ní Ghlinn and Cartoon Saloon, on this dynamic project. It is important to our school that we are linking with our neighbouring Gaelscoileanna, to allow our students the opportunity to make connections with the greater Irish speaking community. The Arts are a great way to hear the student voice,” said Siona Nic Eoin.
Principal Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh welcomed the opportunity for the students from all four school to engage and learn from Tomm Moore and all the artists from the multi-nominated Cartoon Saloon and from Loureate na nOg ith Aine Ni Ghlinn.
School’s creativity is in fine Toon with pupils as gaeilge