Parish bids farewell to Fr. Richard Scriven as he heads for Castlecomer and Clogh

Parishioners of St Mary’s parish Kilkenny gathered at the Chapter House at the Cathedral to bid farewell to Fr Richard Scriven as he prepared to move to his new parish duties in Castlecomer and Clogh.

He is a man with many strings to his bow and has contributed enormously to the spiritual and social life of the parish over the last five years.

There is no doubt that he will be missed by many sections of the community.

He never failed to have a ‘welcome on the mat’ at the Cathedral for both visitor and locals alike.

He tackled and completed many of the renovation projects at St Mary’s and has raised the parish profile to a new level.

His work on finance, administration, refurbishment, documenting the history of the church and music in the cathedral are just some of his achievements.

Parishioners and visitors will remember him in various guises and for many reasons, but it would be remiss of us not to pay special tribute to him for his untiring work with the parish schools.

Teaching staff from Mother of Fair Love, Presentation Primary school and CBS primary school were in attendance and all commented on the incredible energy and commitment Richard gave to his work in the schools.

It was obvious that the memory of his contribution to students and staff will last for many years to come.

Although the parish is disappointed that he is moving, all wished him well on his new appointment,

As the community at St Mary’s said farewell to Richard, they also took time to welcome Dr Dermot Ryan as Adm. of St Mary’s.

A native of Kilkenny, Fr Ryan studied for the priesthood in St Patrick’s College, Carlow and was ordained in 2001.

Speaking on the night Fr Scriven said he enjoyed enormously his time at the Cathedral and although there was a natural sadness in leaving, he said he was very much looking forward to working with the people of Castlecomer and Clogh..

Richard thanked those who turned up to say farewell and also those who had sent good wishes.

On behalf of the parish, Sister Maria made a presentation to Fr Richard


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