Omega Active by Revive Active – A New Fish on the Block


Revive Active is a popular Irish Brand that many of you are familiar with. There are several products in the range including Revive Active. The green box is their most popular product, many of our customers love it and use it regularly. It supports your energy levels, heart health, immune system and fights fatigue.

This week I want to tell you about their new product, a fish oil supplement, Omega Active by Revive Active. Now, if you are like me when you hear about another fish oil, you might be tempted to stop reading simply because there are so many fish oils on the market. Plus, I often tell you about my favourite brand. However, because I know so many of you love the Revive Active brand, I thought you would like to hear about their new one.

Why choose Omega Active over other brands? The main reason is that it is the first plant-based enteric coated fish oil capsule to be launched globally. This makes it suitable for pescatarians as there is no animal gelatine in the capsule. The plant-based enteric shell promotes absorption, it ensures that the capsule does not dissolve in the stomach, instead it breaks down in the upper intestinal tract. This new technology ensures that there is no fishy aftertaste, this is a strong claim to make so we asked them for some samples. We tested them and they are right, there is no fishy aftertaste. I like that they are in an easy to swallow capsule.

How do they compare strength wise? They contain a powerful 1,362mg of Omega-3 fish oil per two capsules providing 756mg of EPA and 504mg of DHA. Omega Active is sustainably sourced and carries the Friend of the Sea Certification. This certification awards sustainable practices in fisheries, aquaculture, and omega-3 fish oil.

Omega-3 fish oils can help support brain function, vision, and contribute to the normal function of the heart. They are suitable from age 15 onwards, suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Please consult your qualified healthcare professional before use.

I think Omega Active is a fish oil worth taking a look at. Give us a call or drop in for more advice and information.

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