IN THE interest of the health and wellbeing of our loyal readers, advertisers and friends we have decided not to publish The Kilkenny Observer until we are assured by health experts that there is no further threat to our people from the Coronavirus.
We do not take this decision lightly but we value the dedication and passion of our staff that must be protected and we are also conscious that the medical advice is that people should avoid any kind of contact that would put their health at risk.
Our people are well armed with common sense, a will to follow the instructions of the medical profession and an admirable decency to do the right thing to protect ourselves and our neighbours.
Up to date
At this stage it is impossible to say when our locally owned newspaper will be back in circulation.
But we promise to keep advertisers and readers in particular up to date through our website and through Facebook.
We have just marked our first year in business and from our hearts we thank those who continue to vote us No. 1 as the voice of our local community.
Stay safe, follow the health guidelines rigidly.
And remember that everyone is special to someone.
Jimmy Rhatigan, Editor, The Kilkenny Observer Newspaper