Newpark Outdoor Community Mass

The Vicar General of the Diocese, Fr. Dan Carroll and Monsignor Michael Ryan

concelebrated an outdoor Mass on the Upper Green in Newpark last Thursday evening. Despite concerns earlier in the day, the rain cleared, and the evening was bright and warm. It was pleasing to see a large attendance from St John’s parish gather to participate in a night of celebration and remembrance, with the choir from St John’s, accompanied by Mary Butler and Tom Hickey, providing an extra layer of spiritual gravitas.

At the conclusion of the community celebration Fr Dan had words of praise for all who had helped make the evening a huge success, readers, those who brought the gifts, ministers of the Eucharist, parish secretary Aine Butler and sacristan Jane Dineen. He had special words for Altar Server Rosie Bradley praising her commitment and enthusiasm.

On behalf of Newpark Residents Association, Secretary Una Lennon thanked the priests of the parish for their continued support and Deputy Mayor Joe Malone and Community Garda Sergeant John Duffy for their attendance and involvement. Una offered sincere words of appreciation to the wider St John’s community who had rallied to help with the preparations, Sean Shortiss and Sammy Johnston, amplification, O’Loughlin Gaels,seating, Michael Deegan & Canice Hickey, construction of the altar and stewarding, Chris Wong, provision of home made refreshments and Margo Deegan & Helen Larkin Goode who supervised the catering.

After the ceremony most of the attendance remained to enjoy tea and assorted pastries as they reminisced and swapped some rather outlandish stories.

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