Natural Tips for Psoriasis


Let’s talk about psoriasis. This is a fairly common skin condition. It is characterised by thick, silvery white scales that are surrounded by a red, inflamed border. It can appear anywhere on the body, but common places are the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp. It can affect the nails causing them to develop ridges and pits.

When someone asks me about tips to help, I talk about how stress could be aggravating the condition, as well as trigger foods, compromised liver health, and/or gut health, and supplements that may help. Though everyone is different, it is a condition that can be controlled well given the right tools.

Foods that can aggravate flare ups are dairy products, highly processed foods, sugar, gluten, wheat, spicy food, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, red meat and saturated fats. Nuts can be a problem for some. A food diary can help you figure out trigger foods.

A helpful addition through the diet can be the omega oils found in oily fish, flax or chia seeds, and good quality omega rich oils. Yellow and orange fruit and vegetables will be a good source of Vitamin A which, along with protein rich foods, enable the skin to effectively repair itself. Fibre is important to ensure that foods pass through the gut avoiding toxic build up that can aggravate the skin. Herbal teas are a really nice addition to your diet. If you are stressed choose relaxing Lemon Balm, or to help boost liver health choose dandelion or teas that contain milk thistle.

Top supplements to consider would be omega 3 fish oils, choosing the strongest you can get. You may benefit from Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin D or you may need extra liver support from herbs such as milk thistle. A healthy gut is crucial, so you may need probiotics and nutrients like glutamine to help repair the gut.

We have also had feedback from customers about using Neem Oil, an antifungal and antibacterial oil or Grahams Psoriasis Cream, an anti-inflammatory cream, on affected areas. Holos’ Get Better Butter is a deeply hydrating cream to help with the skin repair and recovery. For the scalp, there’s A.Vogel Neem or Salcura Shampoo.

These are just some tips that may help you keep psoriasis under control. Why not give us a call for more advice.

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