Natural health tips from head to toe


I get asked a lot about dry and itchy scalp. There are a couple of reasons why your scalp is itchy. It could be the hair colour product that you use. Try switching them around and using something different. Brands like Naturatint and Naturigin are worth trying if you think this is the cause. Dehydration will affect your scalp too. Drink plenty of water, up to 2 litres per day and increase foods that contain essential fats. If you have dandruff, it could be that you are low in Zinc. A supplement or multi vitamin that contains Zinc could be the answer. For itchy and dry scalp my go to shampoo is Salcura Omega 3 Rich Shampoo. Many customers find this very helpful.

Tension in the shoulders and neck is a common problem that causes pain and discomfort. It is often the result of stress. Simple solutions can include changing the seat that you use at the computer, when driving, or when watching tv. A shoulder and neck massage or a relaxing bath may help. Betteryou Magnesium spray oil is an ideal massage oil for achy, tense, and sore muscles. Magnesium is the most popular supplement to help support muscle health.

Many of you suffer with knee pain and discomfort. This can sometimes stem from wearing the wrong footwear. Check this out first. Many people I see have sore knees from standing all day long. It is a good idea to have an X- ray to see what is going on with your knees. In the meantime, consider Joint Complex by Revive Active, one of our top supplements to help with your joints. It’s a super supplement that contains Glucosamine, MSM, Collagen, Vitamin D, K2 and other nutrients to support bone and joint health. It is added to 200-300ml of water and is best taken one hour before food. It combines well with Omega 3 Oils.

For athlete’s foot soak your feet in water with apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of tea tree added then dry your feet well. Occasionally clean the inside of your shoes with water and tea tree oil and leave to dry. This should give you some relief to the problem.
Hopefully these tips will help you feel good from head to toe.

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