Mayor hosts Fáilte Isteach Awards at City Hall

Photos by Kilkenny
Observer newspaper

On June 5th, the Kilkenny Observer visited the city hall in Kilkenny to attend the annual ‘Fáilte Isteach awards.

They came from around the globe, Africa, Asia, South America Middle East, and Europe. An eclectic bunch of people, all gathered together in harmony and friendship which had flourished as the learned English together. The annual Fr. McGrath Fáilte Isteach English Language Awards hosted by Mayor Joe Malone took place in City Hall on Wednesday. It was an occasion full of laughter and good humour. As we ascended the staircase of City Hall, probably for the last time in its present incarnation – the building is about to be repurposed,- we were met with the haunting strains of the “Sally Gardens”, music provided by the “Fr. McGrath Tutor ensemble” of Kevin, Siobhan and Brigitte who regaled the visitors with wonderful tunes on violin, concertina and flute .

The event was attended by representatives from a number of local community agencies including Kilkenny Leader Partnership, The Volunteer Centre, the newly established Local Authority Integration Agency (LAIT) St. Canice’s Community Action, PPN. Their presence bodes well for the cooperation amongst the local community services in our city.

The Fáilte Isteach English & Integration Project has been operating from the Fr. McGrath Centre for the past thirteen years. The lack of English language skills is a barrier to immigrants accessing services and often results in segregation and isolation. The Project works at breaking down these barriers and facilitates the learning and usage of English by extending the hands of friendship and goodwill. It is providing more than the transfer of skills and knowledge; it is also linking participants to a variety of community activities which promotes inclusiveness and contributes to the overall well-being of the community. Each week in the Fr. McGrath Centre, a panel of sixteen volunteer tutors provide a forum where students learn and exchange ideas around the issues that matter to them.

The Awards were not just for the students. Tutors, some of whom also come from different cultures, were presented with certificates in recognition of their sterling work and commitment to the Project.

Concluding the event the Mayor praised all for their efforts and thanked the volunteers for their generous contribution to the community in giving of their time.

Enquiries can be made to Fr. McGrath Centre or to


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