THE 3Counties Energy Agency (3cea) has welcomed the Government’s announcement to approve a revised Climate Action Bill which includes specific targets on reducing carbon emissions in the next 30 years. .
The Kilkenny-Carlow-Wexford agency sees the announcement as an opportunity to build on progress it has made in the region since it was established in 2002.
The one-stop-shop is committed to driving social and behavioural change in the South East towards a low carbon economy.
The non-profit agency drives sustainable energy projects offering commercial and business grants and support across homes, commercial properties, community, transport and agriculture and advice in Kilkenny.
Paddy Phelan, CEO of 3cea, said it was the responsibility of each individual, business owner and community to come together to achieve Government’s ambitious targets and 3cea will be there to help.
“In Kilkenny, we are in excellent position to develop an all-inclusive decarbonising plan. There are some outstanding examples within local communities and industry, for example the Danone Plant has achieved zero carbon emission in its manufacturing. Likewise the Callan Community Energy Company illustrates how each home, local business and individual can help contribute towards a carbon neutral Ireland.”
The Callan Community Energy Company (CCE) is set to re-energise Callan, with an ambitious plan for the town to transition to producing all of its own carbon-neutral energy by 2030.
John Carley, Chairman, 3cea, said:
“3cea looks forward to supporting the Government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the nation. In particular we will support people throughout Kilkenny and the local authorities to implement their plans within the region.”
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Making waves with push for climate change