Looking after the man in your life


Looking after the man in your life doesn’t mean handing the responsibility over to someone else. It means you. You need to look after yourself. My top tips to help you do this include maintain a balanced diet, get regular exercise, stay on top of medical screenings, protect your mental health, sleep well, and make sure that you have time for you. These habits and changes could help keep you healthy and fit for longer with a better quality of life.

Lack of energy, stress and anxiety are the main issues that I am seeing at the shop. I am getting more questions about supplements to support prostate health too. This is fantastic, but it can be a source of stress as you plan your first visit to the GP. Most of us don’t like baring our wares to a stranger!

There are lots of nutrients to help you achieve your goals. For example, B vitamins can help with energy, zinc supports healthy testosterone, or Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb used to help support the body and mind. Always look for the KSM-66 Ashwagandha to be guaranteed it is high quality Ashwagandha root extract. Ginseng is another fantastic herb traditionally used for overall health and wellbeing. It has lost its place a bit with the emergence of Ashwagandha but it hasn’t lost its amazing benefits. If you are tired and stressed these vitamins, minerals, and herbs could help.

Many of you will be familiar with Cleanmarine for Men, it is now reformulated and I love the fact that they have added in Ashwagandha and Ginseng for extra support to help you raise your game! It is now called  Cleanmarine  ManoMax. This is a unique all-in-one Omega-3 multivitamin, rich in essential nutrients providing daily nutritional support for men. It contains Phospholipid Omega-3 DHA providing the essential fatty acids required for the normal function of the brain, B Vitamins, and added KSM-66® Ashwagandha and Ginseng for maximum support.  This unique formulation provides vitamins and minerals designed to support energy levels, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, and to support normal cognitive and brain function.

Whatever you do, look after you, find your way, you are the man in your life!


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