Photos; Kilkenny Observer Newspaper

It was a very special weekend at St Marys Cathedral in Kilkenny. Of course the most important happening at the church was the Ester ceremonies with celebrations of the Faith happening over a five day period.

What added to the occasion was the fact that ceremonies on Good Friday and Holy Saturday were televised live on RTE.

A few days after the ceremonies, many of those involved in the Easter celebrations gathered at The Chapter House at St Mary’s for some light refreshments where Fr. Dermot Ryan thanked everyone for their help and assistance in making the Easter festival such a success.

The Kilkenny Observer was delighted to attend and capture the night on camera.

“We had the best part of 80 plus people involved”, said Fr Dermot, “both in front and behind the camera.”.

Speaking about the get to-gather Fr Ryan said: “It was lovely to come together in the Chapter House for a chance to say an in-person thank you. All the messages that we have received during the week reflected just how taken people were by the beauty of our Cathedral, the simplicity and prayerfulness of the liturgies and the wonderful talent on display by all who took part. Someone once told me that the most important thing we do in parishes is to say thank you as most everyone you work with is a volunteer.”

The ceremonies were broadcast live on Good Friday at 3pm and for the Easter Vigil at 11pm on Holy Saturday night.

Speaking to the Kilkenny Observer Newspaper, Bishop Niall Coll thanked all those who participated in a very special way for the Easter Ceremonies at the

“The televising of the ceremonies went really well and it showed off our beautiful cathedral in all its splendour”, said the bishop.

Bishop Coll thanked Sean O’Neill, Joy Bibby, Philip Edmundson, the Choir, Cantors, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Readers, Musicians as well as RTE Television and the Kairos Production team.

“This was very much a community effort, and it showed what can be done when a community comes together” commented Bishop Niall,

A spokesperson for RTE said that they were delighted with the response from St Marys Cathedral for allowing the cameras into the church and the music, singing and the ceremonies were delightful.

Many people who watched proceedings on television commented on how spectacular the Cathedral looked.

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