Letter to the editor

Dear Editor,

I wish to respond and say well done to Letter to Editor ‘THE TOWN I LOVE SO WELL

I can relate to all this letter writer stated. Daily, we are being terrorised by some young individuals on High Street. Tourists and elderly having to jump out of the way of paths, streets and pedestrian crossings to avoid injury. Yes, I do ask “Where are our Garda?” It is pointless driving up and down the street, we need Garda Boots on the ground!! How thing have changed, over the last few months, we have no Garda visibility on our streets. It is law of the jungle with these, as the writer to The Kilkenny Observer called them “Thugs”, well done for your straight talking!!

Something has to be done about this and something has to be done immediately as somebody will be injured by this appalling behaviour.

Co. Kilkenny Reader of The Kilkenny Observer.

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