Let’s Get Motivated!


At this time of the year after all the festive indulgence you’re probably feeling bloated, sluggish or tired; unable to summon the drive you need to kick-start your new year with some healthier habits.

The festive holidays allow us to indulge, relax and retreat; very important for most people who juggle busy lifestyles, however it can be difficult to get back to reality. You may have slept more, eaten more and had a change in routine that slowed everything right down for you, so now it’s time to wake up your mind, body and soul to freshen up and begin a new year.

But how do we go about that when we struggle to peel ourselves off the sofa, or find ourselves still eating dessert three times a day? I spoke with AoifeRose Personal Trainer, and to her the answer is simple: baby steps. Your end goal might be to run a marathon this year or lose that extra stone you have gained– but that won’t happen overnight. You want your journey to be positive and enjoyable, so that the changes you are creating are sustainable.

Step one is getting excited about your goal! Think about why it matters to you and how great it will feel to have accomplished it. Disregard negative thoughts that make you avoid putting in the work. To help you cut down on sugars and include a variety of fruit and vegetables in your diet, seek out new recipes and ingredients that will add excitement to the meals you want to prepare. Rather than focusing on the ‘lack of,’ focus on the health and wellbeing benefits: energy, mood, sleep are likely to be boosted alongside feeling much better about yourself.

If you have a fitness goal, then remember: your current strength and endurance does not reflect your true ability or potential. The key here is to stay consistent.

Hydration is paramount. Increasing your water intake will help cleanse your gut and benefit your skin. It will help reduce cravings, prevent cramps and boost energy and cognition. Fancy it up with some citrus fruits or mint leaves.

Supplements may be required for extra energy, muscle pain or motivation. Sit tight for part 2 where myself and AoifeRose explore what supplement could suit you best.


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