“The Swedes have a word: ‘dostadning’ which translates as ‘death cleaning’, and it is all about decluttering now, so that others are not burdened by doing it after we have died.
This practice makes it easier for our loved ones later.”
A striking yet simultaneously thought provoking truth that has a profound impact as you read Judith Ashton’s new book, “Be Prepared”.
The recently published book gives a fresh perspective on death and its positive aspects.
A Fluency in language
It is clear that the author possesses a strong sense of self, which is evident through her comfortable discussion of stereotypically burdensome subjects of conversation.
This fluency in language paired with confident expression creates a tone of tranquillity which one would believe was the author’s initial objective. This ability to comfort people in situations that display themselves as onerous may stem from her background as a body-psychotherapist, and massage and meditation teacher.
Add to that her experience in speaking on death and dying at the 1st Scandinavian Conference and in teaching medical staff the significance of touch in palliative care, has advanced her capabilities in embracing what is inescapable through a gentle yet direct manner.
A Mix Of Logic And Emotion
The author’s intelligent approach to death lies in the basis of both logic and emotion.
She states that death, like birth, is part of life.
“Without death there would be no life, and without life there would be no death”.
One would believe that this statement allows us to ponder on the occurrence that displays itself as the terror of departure from life, and why we tend to avoid the potential openness in exchange of views with respect to this topic.
We, as inquisitive social beings, speak so loosely and with freedom on various subject matters.
Best For All To Be Prepared
Frequently, in keeping, that these matters are of routine, and avoid displaying unfamiliar outcomes to which we do not have plausible answers.
In the book Judith Ashton is attempting, and succeeding, in breaking this societal construct by encouraging discussion of death and that it is okay, if not better, to be prepared for its arrival.
Once we move past the stage of acceptance, we can enter into the stage of preparation.
As people with knowledge and experience in life continuously being obtained, the authors optimistically infused outlook on this mundane discussion of the inevitable is actually quite refreshing.
One has to admire her ability in embracing this stage in the cycle of life that most people run from.
Furthermore, her buoyancy in stance towards this topic becomes increasingly empowering, as opposed to discouraging.
Some points which come to the fore are,
Amend fractures in relationships; Declutter your life, both literally and metaphorically; Spread kindness in a world where areas are vacant in possession of love; and lastly, stay true to oneself.
A Matter of Communication
The principle messages that are being exercised through the book collectively link back to simple communication.
Whether this form of communication is through a “letter to my nearest and dearest”, “putting legal affairs in order” or “wishes for immediately after death”.
Life isn’t about where we began or the final destination, it’s about the journey we experience in between.
And death is not an occasion to be mourned but a celebration to be embraced.
Judith Ashton’s new book ‘Be Prepared’, is both interesting and thought provoking and contains some fascinating stories from clients and friends.
Available to purchase on line at www.beprepared.ie