Kilkenny County Council Commended for Exceptional Response to Severe Weather

Michael McCarthy, Cathaoirleach

“As we recover from this period of severe weather, I, as Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, would like to acknowledge and thank our Local Authority for their exceptional response to a plethora of issues over the past four days of extremely challenging conditions.

The terrific team effort led by the Chief Executive, Director of Services, Senior Road Engineers, Town and Area Engineers, Supervisors, General Operatives and outdoor and indoor staff, in a wonderfully coordinated and targeted approach was reminiscent of the traditional concept of “meitheal” from days gone by where communities came together to support one another. Their immediate and comprehensive response left nothing to chance.

Additionally, it would be remiss of me not to commend the Fire Service, Civil Defence staff and volunteers, members of An Garda Síochána and personnel from James Stephens Army Barracks, Kilkenny City, who collectively demonstrated how efficient state agencies can operate. The willingness of all concerned to help and assist in any situation and the kindness which was shown is truly admirable.

I was personally delighted to witness workers going above and beyond, unconcerned with time, to address any additional tasks brought to their attention. This rapid response was greatly appreciated by all who required assistance.

A special thanks also to the local and national media channels for keeping the residents of Kilkenny City and County informed with timely weather warnings and updates.”

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