Kilkenny County Council Arts Office are excited to announce The Art of Change

The Art of Change – a new Youth Arts initiative which aims to empower young people in exploring environmental and climate action topics through different artforms. By igniting and fueling young people’s interest in environmental and climate issues the project hopes to provide them with another way of approaching big issues while also giving them an understanding of the impact art can have. The project will offer young people a chance to be part of a supportive community in which they can explore a variety of art practices together with professional artists. They will learn new artistic skills and build awareness of how their actions however small can create change.

Each week for six weeks the young people will take part in a series of visual art workshops with a variety of artists. To begin the project the group will take part in a workshop with Education for Sustainability. This initial session is aimed at building their knowledge and awareness of climate related issues, giving them chance to explore the topic and ask questions. The next five sessions will see the young people delve into different art practices and approaches they may not have experienced before. Hopefully offering them a new perspective and new ideas, encouraging them to ask even more questions!

When: Beginning April 9th-14th @4.30pm-6.30pm workshops will run every Tuesday for six weeks.

Where: Ossory Youth Centre and Foroige The Drum in Kilkenny City.

What does it involve: Each week participants will meet a different artist and take part in workshops on different artforms. All workshops are free to join.

Who can get involved: Young People aged 13-18yrs

How to join: Booking is essential. Email your interest to

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