Home testing for a healthier you


Are you worried about a health issue but you haven’t the time to get to the GP or your GP hasn’t an appointment for you to go to? Now the great news is that you can do self-testing for various health issues in the comfort of your own home. This can save you time, money, and worry. Once you have the results you can decide what to do and if need be you can discuss with your doctor or health care provider.

Mybio, a company based in Kilkenny, know that we have all become comfortable with home testing after all the testing we had to do during Covid-19. They have designed a huge range of test kits so that we can test for other health issues in the comfort of our own home.

Some of their test kits include:

The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Test Kit – This is recommended when you have one or more of the symptoms of hypothyroidism including feeling tired and lethargic, weight gain, dry skin and brittle hair, becoming forgetful and sometimes depressed, feeling cold or constipated as well as menstrual irregularities.

The Vitamin D Test will tell you if you are low in Vitamin D. Strong bones and muscles, mental fitness, prevention of osteoporosis, and better athletic performance are just a few of the benefits that are linked to healthy vitamin D levels.

Iron Deficiency Test answers the question: am I low in Iron? It tests levels of Ferritin in the blood – gives you an indication of a possible iron deficiency. Ideal for anyone who is feeling tired, prone to anaemia, pregnant, or vegetarians and vegans.

The Menopause Test can indicate if you are perimenopausal. This is the stage when most significant symptoms are experienced. Menopause is usually not diagnosed until 1 full year after periods have stopped.

I think if you are curious about your health these might be worth looking at.They are quick, reliable with accurate results in minutes. They are designed using the same technology used in hospitals and clinical laboratories. They are medical devices and are strictly regulated in Ireland, having to comply with the requirements of the EU In-Vitro Diagnostic Directive 98/79EC (IVDD).

They can help guide you but not diagnose what is going on in your body. Take a look at some of the options available on www.naturalhealthstore.ie

Shop online at www.naturalhealthstore.ie where you’ll be able to take a look at these brands.

Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

Phone: 056 7764538

Email: info@naturalhealthstore.ie


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