Hidden Hearing, Expert Hearing Care Provider Triumphs with Coveted Irish Loyalty and CX Award



Hidden Hearing was presented the prestigious Customer Experience Award at this year’s Irish Loyalty and CX Awards, during a gala business ceremony at Dublin’s RDS last week. (Wednesday 10 April, 2024)

Ireland’s hearing healthcare specialists, who have over 35 years of expertise, were commended for the business’s significant commitment to not just meeting, but exceeding, patient expectation, through innovative practices and exceptional service.

Hidden Hearing clinics provide free hearing tests, and free sample hearing aids, at over 85 locations across Ireland.  The clinics network sees 100,000 patients annually, providing free hearing tests to around 60,000 people concerned about hearing loss.

Patient support staff are trained to help people with dementia, and other cognitive difficulties, in conjunction with the Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI), to offer them the best care protocols for hearing healthcare.

Hidden Hearing is also recognised in the annual Great Place to Work® scheme, engaging staff collaboratively in its mission to meet patient needs to an exceptional standard.

The ageing population, and growing evidence of the significant knock-on effects of hearing loss, for other disease, is seeing demand for audiology services grow.

“Winning this award is testament to the dedication of our team at Hidden Hearing Ireland, and their amazing determination to deliver an unparalleled patient experience,” said Stephen Leddy, Managing Director at Hidden Hearing Ireland.

“Our focus has always been on understanding and addressing the unique needs of each patient, ensuring they get not just the best hearing solutions, but also support and care tailored to their individual circumstances. We recognise that it’s not a on-size-fits-all approach and it’s about addressing the personalised needs of the people we see.”

The Irish Loyalty and CX Awards, now in its seventh year, recognises businesses that set the benchmark for customer experience and loyalty in different sectors.   Hidden Hearing Ireland’s award involved a rigorous evaluation process, showcasing its comprehensive approach to customer engagement and loyalty, from the initial consultation through to free aftercare services.

Audiologist David Glennon who works with Hidden Hearing, based in James’ Street, in Kilkenny Town, commented on the recent Irish loyalty and CX award win. “It’s amazing for our company to be recognised, winning this recent award. Our company is always looking to strive for excellence and offer the best and most up-to-date services for people who suffer from hearing loss or are worried about their hearing.”

Established in 1987 in Cork, the business employs over 180 people, at 87 clinics, north and south, as well as a Cork marketing department, Belfast regional office, and a Dublin head-office campus that has dedicated training and development facilities.

The company funds education campaigns, highlighting the potentially serious knock-on effects of untreated hearing loss.  Around 8% of the Irish population suffer some degree of hearing loss, with men likely to lose their hearing earlier than women.  35% of people aged over 64 have a significant hearing loss and, in the over 75s, 50% will have age-related hearing loss.

You can be assured you will receive the best service possible when you book an appointment with Hidden Hearing. To book your free hearing test today in Kilkenny, call 056 776 3941 or book online at hiddenhearing.ie

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