Herbs for Health


Nature provides us with many plants and herbs that can help provide us with nurturing nutrients to help us deal with a variety of symptoms. This can include herbs to support digestion, immunity, hormone support, and to help relieve anxiety and stress.

My favourite brand of herbal remedies is A.Vogel. Alfred Vogel worked with plants and herbal and naturopathic medicine since the 1920s. He later founded his company in 1963 the year before I was born. And now I have been recommending these remedies for over 25 years.

Why do I like A.Vogel so much? A.Vogel is a brand that is highly-regarded, they follow traditional herbal medicine principles while integrating scientific research. They will only use fresh herbs and organic plants in their products. The plants are processed immediately after they are harvested. Everything is grown without synthetic pesticides. I have been to the facility where the herbs are grown. I have met many of the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that the highest standards are maintained through all stages of the plant’s life from sowing seeds to when we get it instore on our shelves.

My favourite remedies are of course the ones that I have used myself. This includes Dormeasan, which I have spoken about many times. It contains Valerian and Hops and it is perfect to help get a healthy sleep pattern back. I took it during the early stage of the menopause when my sleep pattern changed dramatically and I could not sleep. It took several weeks but once it started to work, I enjoyed unbroken sleep and woke up feeling refreshed, it is an amazing herbal remedy.

I am never without a bottle of Echinaforce, I always have one in the cupboard. This is the perfect Echinacea to help prevent or treat a cold.

I have used Passiflora to support the nervous system and to help relax. I love the one in the spray bottle as it is easy to use and works quickly too.

Milk Thistle is my herb of choice when I want to support my liver or after overindulgence.

These are just a few of the wonderful herbal remedies available in the A.Vogel range. Check them out in store or online, I hope you will like them as much as I do.

Shop online at www.naturalhealthstore.ie where you’ll be able to take a look at these brands.

Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

Phone: 056 7764538

Email: info@naturalhealthstore.ie

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