Are you looking to have healthy skin? Good levels of vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, and minerals like Zinc and Magnesium are important for healthy skin. Hormonal balance, and adequate levels of friendly gut bacteria can help too. A healthy diet and nutritional supplements aimed at supporting skin health may help you achieve your goal.
There are many supplements on offer. Take a look at Cleanmarine For Women and Cleanmarine For Men they are both suitable from age 15, and would be an ideal starting point for anyone with acne, or if you just want to improve your skin. They contain Omega 3 from krill oil in phospholipid form which are easily absorbed and shown to be highly effective. They both contain vitamin B2 which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, and vitamin D too. While Cleanmarine For Men contains Zinc and Selenium.
Diet wise, drink plenty of water, you could add sliced lemon for extra cleansing properties. Rooibos tea is a natural source of antioxidants, and zinc which is traditionally used for skin problems. Dr Stuarts Skin Purify Tea contains a mix of cleansing herbs like burdock and nettle.
Fruit is a great source of vitamin C, a building block of collagen, antioxidants, and fibre, all important for skin health. Green leafy vegetables are a good source of magnesium. Brightly coloured vegetables like peppers are a natural source of vitamin C. Vitamin D is found in oily fish. Omega oils can be found in nuts, seeds and may support hormonal health and help reduce inflammation. Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin B, E, Zinc, fibre, protein, and omega oils. Almonds are a source of vitamin E, omega oils, and protein.
Reduce or avoid sugar, fizzy drinks, tea, coffee, wheat, and dairy products as they can aggravate inflamed skin. These are also common food allergens which may trigger problems.
Look after your gut: This is important as friendly bacteria can make B vitamins which may support skin health, immunity, and your mood too. Antibiotics, stress, and poor diet can deplete these important bacteria. You may need to top up with a microbiotic like Udo’s Choice Super 8.
Cleanmarine For Women, or For Men plus some small changes may help you to have healthy glowing skin.
If you have any questions about anything at all, why not call in and see us at Market Cross Shopping Centre. Give us a call on 056 7764538 or pop us an email at We would be delighted to help with any question you may have.
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