Great support for St. Mary’s coffee morning

Birdie Hayes (committee), Terri Butler (centre manager), Bishop Niall Coll, Carmel Byrne (committee) and Chris Hayes (committee)

A wonderful morning was held recently at St Mary’s Day Care Centre. A coffee morning, a raffle, and plenty of friendly chat was the call of the day.

The centre is located at the back of the cinema, adjacent to the Fair Green and was purchased by the Kilkenny Corporation following the death of the owner Mrs Haughney in 1945. A local group in St Mary’s Parish got together in 2001 with the idea of building a day centre for the parish. This was different to most housing developments, in that this was built by St Mary’s Voluntary Housing Association (VHA) and comprised of 14 homes and a day centre for the elderly.

The coffee morning was supported by many locals from the area including members of the Presentation sisters from nearby Parnell Street. Also in attendance was Bishop Niall Coll who mingled with those present and received a warm welcome to the parish. Chairman of the Day Care Centre, Eamon Corcoran, welcomed everybody and paid a special welcome to Bishop Niall on what was his first visit to the centre.

In reply Bishop Coll said he was delighted to attend and congratulated all on the wonderful work being carried out at the centre.

Manager at the centre Terri Butler said that the morning had gone very well and she thanked all who supported the coffee morning and those who organised the fundraiser.

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